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Rheumatoid Massage

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic illness that affects many parts of the body. It is perhaps most well-known for causing joint pain as inflammation attacks cartilage and bone, which has the potential to create damage.

People who have RA often use a variety of techniques and tools to deal with their pain, including medication, heat and ice, rest, and more. But they may be wary of massage, worried that it will cause more pain than it relieves. Let’s take a look at RA and massage.

To really understand RA, it helps to have an image in your mind of how joints work. So, picture this: Joints contain several structures that allow you to move easily.

  • When healthy, the ends of the bones in a joint are protected from rubbing together by an elastic slippery material called cartilage (yep, the same stuff your ear is made of).
  • The entire joint is surrounded by a capsule, known as the synovial sac.
  • A thin layer of tissue called the synovial membrane lines the sac.
  • The membrane secretes lubricating synovial fluid, which reduces friction, protecting the cartilage and joints during movement.


Swadhee Spa and Massage Nagpur | Massage in Nagpur

Rheumatoid Massage in Nagpur